The name of this organization shall be Valley Springs Sportsman’s Club, Incorporated.
Said club shall be located in Grosvenordale, Connecticut.
Section 1.
To promote and encourage interest and skill in the sports of hunting and fishing.
Section 2.
To support and take an active part in the conservation of the woodlands.
Section 3.
To support and take active part in preventing the pollution of all streams, lakes, ponds
and other bodies of water.
Section 4.
To foster good fellowship among the members of the organization by maintaining
recreational facilities.
Section 5.
To sponsor and support those activities and events which stimulate good will and
enjoyment among sportsmen.
Section 6.
To promote good sportsmanship among the membership and the community.
Section 7.
To cooperate with all persons, organizations and all government agencies in the
furtherance of these objectives.
Section 1. President
The president shall preside at all the meetings of the membership and at all the meetings
of the Board of Directors. He or she shall appoint a chairman for each permanent
committee unless otherwise provided for in the By-laws. He or she may appoint special
committees that he or she deems necessary. He or she shall be, ex officio, a member of all
committees except the nominating committee. He or she shall be responsible for the
enforcement of all By-laws and other legally adopted rules and regulations of the
organization. Said president shall also be responsible for the enforcement of town
ordinances, state laws, federal laws and regulations of the state agencies, which apply to
the operation of the organization. Said president shall have all those powers which are
usually vested in this office.
Section 2. Vice-president
In the absence of the president or his inability to serve, the vice-president shall perform
all duties otherwise performed by the president.
Section 3. Financial Secretary
The financial secretary shall keep a record of all members and he or she shall collect all
dues. He or she shall receive and keep in his custody a permanent file of all applications
for membership in the organization, provided such applications have been proposed and
signed by a member in good standing. Any application for membership on file for three
or more years and any application submitted by a former member shall be purged. Said
financial secretary shall perform such other duties as may be required by any By-law or
as directed by the Board of Directors.
Section 4. Secretary
The secretary shall call meetings as directed by the president and the Board of Directors
or in accordance with any By-laws. He or she shall record and preserve the minutes of all
meetings, and include a record of attendance of all officers present. He or she shall also
provide a form at all meetings of the membership on which shall be recorded the names
of all members in attendance, and shall maintain this form as part of the minutes. He or
she shall perform such other duties as may be required by the By-laws, or the Board of
Directors. The secretary shall cause any documents, so classified, to be placed in a safety
deposit box in a bank or banks selected by the Board of Directors. Keys to said safety
deposit box shall be issued only to said secretary and to one other member selected by the
Board of Directors. (Amended 1995, 2002)
Section 5 Treasurer
It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive all moneys in behalf of the organization
and to deposit same in a bank or banks selected or approved by the Board of Directors.
He or she shall disburse funds only when such disbursements are duly authorized. All
checks over $2,000.00 issued in the name of the organization shall be co-signed by a
member in good standing, selected by the Board of Directors. Said treasurer shall follow
accepted accounting procedures in carrying out the duties of his office. He or she shall
submit a report to the membership at the January meeting regarding the financial
condition of the organization. He or she shall also render brief financial statements at
each monthly meeting. He or she shall surrender all account books and documents
concerned with his office whenever requested to do so in accordance with the By-laws or
by the Board of Directors, House Committee or by a vote of the membership. A bond
shall be furnished by said treasurer in the amount established by the Board of Directors.
The cost of this bond shall be paid by the organization. In consideration for the faithful
execution of his or her duties, the treasurer will receive a stipend of $1200 per year
payable at the December meeting. The treasurer shall attend the monthly membership and
Directors meetings or arrange for an alternate to give the monthly treasurer report.
(Amended 1991, 2019).
Annually and not later than the March membership meeting each year, the Treasurer will
develop an annual budget reflecting projected revenue, fixed operating costs, and
budgeted expenditures for new and ongoing projects. The Treasurer will report to the
board of directors and the membership no less than quarterly on the status and financial
condition of the club in summary form which will include; revenue, expenses and assets
for the fiscal year, on a year over year, year to date and actual vs. budget basis. Any new
projects in excess of $5,000.00 will require a prior written proposal to include the scope,
initial cost, expected completion date and other details as may be required by the
Treasurer before submission for approval by the membership or the board of directors.
(Adopted 2017)
Section 6. Eligibility for Office
Any member is good standing shall be considered eligible for office.
Section 7. Term of Office
All officers, except the office of treasurer, shall take office when elected at the annual
meeting and shall hold office until the next annual meeting following their election, or
until their successors are duly elected, unless removed from office in accordance with the
Section 7a.
The newly elected treasurer will assume all of his responsibilities following the January
meeting, the outgoing treasurer will use the month between the annual meeting and the
January meeting to acquaint the newly elected treasurer with all the duties and
responsibilities of that office.
Section 8. Unexcused Absences
The unexcused absence of any officer from three consecutive meetings shall
automatically vacate his office. This includes the elected members of the House
Committee and appointed committee chairman. The secretary shall monitor and report to
the President, about the status of any officers in relations to unexcused absences.
(Amended 1994, 1995, 1997)
Section 9. Retirement from office
Upon retirement from office, each officer shall turn over to his successor, or to the
president, all funds, books of account, ledgers, papers, records and any other club
property in his possession.
Section 10. Vacancies
In case of a vacancy in the office of the vice president, financial secretary, secretary or
treasurer, the vacancy shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term by a
majority vote of the entire Board of Directors. In the case of a vacancy in the office of the
president, it shall be filled by the vice president. If there is a vacancy in both the offices
of the president and vice president, both offices shall be filled in the same manner as
other vacancies. In filling vacancies for un-expired terms, a president who has served
more than half of a term is considered to have served a full term in office. In the event
that a vacancy occurs on the House Committee, the House Committee, by a majority vote
of its members, may recommend a replacement to fill out the vacant term to the Board of
Directors. The Board of Directors will then vote on this recommendation and a simple
majority vote of those Board members present will pass this recommendation. (Amended
The following thirteen committees shall be known as the permanent committees of the
Section 1. Membership Committee
Said committee shall include the officers of the organization, permanent committee
chairmen and all members of the House Committee. The Financial Secretary shall be the
permanent chairman. Said committee shall have sole authority in filling vacancies in the
membership. Vacancies may be filled as soon as they occur.
Section 2. House Committee
Said committee shall consist of five active members of the organization. Said active
members shall be elected at the annual meeting and shall elect a chairman. Said
committee shall be responsible for the efficient management, upkeep and maintenance of
the clubhouse and all other permanent buildings, including all equipment contained
therein. Said committee shall grant permission for use of the club facilities, such
permission to be granted in strict accordance with the By-laws. Said committee may at
any time examine or audit any account of the organization or engage the services of a
certified public accountant or other qualified persons to perform such examination or
audit. (Adopted 1968)
Section 3. Legal and By-laws Committee
Section 4. Special Events Committee
Section 5. Fish and Game Committee
Section 6. Historical Committee (Adopted 2001)
Section 7. Kitchen Committee
Section 8. Grounds Committee
Section 9. Trap Committee
Section 9a. Rifle and Pistol Range Committee (Amended 1995)
Section 10. Archery Committee (Adopted 2001)
Section 11. Softball Committee (Amended 1986. Removed as a permanent
committee 2019).
Section 12. Horseshoe Pit Committee
Section 13. Cornhole Committee (Adopted 2024)
Section 14. Website/Social Media Committee (Adopted 2017)
The website/social media chairperson shall be responsible for keeping the website and social
media platforms up to date and in the best interests of the club. The chairperson of this
committee will enjoy all rights and privileges afforded to all other permanent committee
Section 12. Nominating Committee
The nominating committee shall not be a permanent committee. Said committee shall be
elected at any monthly meeting held between January 1 and September 15 and shall
consist of not less than five nor more than seven members, including the chairman. No
officer shall serve on this committee. At the monthly November meeting, said committee
shall submit in writing a proposed slate of officers who, in their opinion, should serve for
the forthcoming year. Positions to be filled shall consist of: President, Vice President,
Secretary, Treasurer, Financial Secretary & 5 members of the House Committee. In the
event an elected member of the nominating committee is unable or unwilling to serve, or
in the event that a member of the committee is running for office and needs to be excused
from the voting, the Board of Directors may vote to replace such member in the event the
committee is under the minimum members required number of 5. Nothing in this section
shall prohibit the nomination and election of any member in good standing to any office
at the annual election, except as prohibited by Article III, Section 6, of the By-laws.
(Amended 2024)
Section 13. Committee Members
Committee chairmen shall appoint not less than two members to their respective
committees, unless such appointments are contrary to any By-law. All committee
chairmen shall present to the president, in writing and no longer than one month after
being appointed chairman, a list of committee members. (Amended 1995)
Section 14. Meetings
Committee meetings may be called by the President, the Committee Chairman or by
petition of three or more committee members.
Section 15. Quorum
A majority of the members of any committee, shall constitute a quorum except the
membership committee, when electing new members, shall have a quorum of eleven m
Section 16. Powers to make rules and regulations
All committees must make reasonable rules and regulations governing all matters
concerned with their specific responsibilities which are in the interest of the organization
and do not conflict with any rules, regulations or procedures adopted at any meeting of
the membership or with any By-Law. Exception to this may be any rule, regulation or
procedure established by the House Committee; these House Committee rules,
regulations or procedures can only be overridden by a vote of the membership at a special
or monthly meeting. All such rules and regulations shall be in writing and posted in the
clubhouse. All rules and regulations proposed by the respective committees (exception
House Committee) must be first submitted to the Board of Directors for approval.
Emergency rules and regulations are permitted under emergency circumstances; however,
they are subject to cancellation by the Board of Directors upon review of the action taken,
for ratification. All committee rules and regulations shall be reviewed each January by
said committee chairperson and by the Board of Directors. Only those rules and
regulations deemed temporary or unnecessary shall be expunged by the Board of
Directors. Each committee shall explain, in writing, to the Board of Directors any rule or
regulation changed or deleted from the previous year. (Amended 1987, 1988, 2016).
Section 17. Term of office
The terms of all committee chairmen and all committee members shall expire on the
election of the next president.
Section 18. The Dane Picard Scholarship Committee
The Dane Picard and designated scholarship committee(s) shall disperse scholarship
funds to selected, qualified individual candidate(s) in the name of Valley Springs
Sportsman’s Club. Funds dispersed shall be from non-VSSC funds. Scholarship
specifics shall be defined by the appointed scholarship committee. (Adopted 2014)
Section 1. Members
The Board of Directors shall consist of all the elected officers, all Permanent Committee
Chairmen, the House Committee and the immediate past President, who shall only serve
the first year of the term of the incoming President. In the event that a permanent
Committee Chairman cannot attend a Board of Directors meeting, he or she can appoint a
member of his committee who will present the committee report to the Board; said
appointee will enjoy all voting rights and all other rights accorded the Chairman whom he
is representing and will count towards a quorum count. (Amended 1988, 2007, 2008,
Section 2. Duties of the Board of Directors
Said Board shall perform all duties and functions as provided in the By-laws. It shall also
be the duty of the Board of Directors as individuals, and as a group, to enforce all By-
laws and all authorized rules and regulations of the organization.
Section 3. Meetings
Said Board shall meet at the call of the President or at such times as may be expedient to
a majority of the members.
Section 4. Quorum
A quorum of the Board of Directors shall be seven members.
Section 5. Emergency Situations
It shall be the duty of the said Board to act in emergencies not otherwise provided for in
the By-laws. In the absence of a quorum at any meeting of the membership, said Board
may take whatever emergency action deemed necessary. Any action taken by the Board
of Directors inn accordance with the provisions of this section shall be subject to
ratification by majority vote at the next monthly or special meeting.
Section 6. Committee Regulations
Said Board may amend any regulation established by any committee with the exception
of the House Committee (Art. IV, Sect. 16), which if finds arbitrary, unreasonable,
unnecessary restrictive or is not in the best interest of the organization. (Amended 1988,
Section 7. Advisors to the President and Membership
It shall be the duty of said Board to advise the president and the membership on any
matter deemed necessary.
Section 8. Disciplinary Powers
Any member may be reprimanded, suspended or expelled from the organization for just
cause, after a hearing, by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors present. Charges
against any member must be filed in writing with the secretary by a member in good
standing. The House Committee may bring charges against any person for violations of
any House Committee regulation, by a unanimous vote of its members. A copy of all
charges must be sent to the accused at his last known address by registered mail at least
ten days before the scheduled hearing. Any member, who prefers charges against another
member and fails to testify against such member, when so notified, shall be automatically
expelled from the organization. Spokesmen from the House Committee shall be in
attendance at the disciplinary hearing if the charges were brought by the House
Section 1. Number of Members
Membership in Valley Springs Club shall not exceed two hundred and seventy-five (275)
members. The provisions of this section shall not apply to life members. (Amended 1975,
2014, 2019, 2023).
Section 2. Life-Time Members
Lifetime members shall be those who attain such status prior to December 31, 1996.
Lifetime Membership shall also include any member in good standing with (15)
consecutive years of current membership who is not less than 60 years of age. Lifetime
Members should also have served at least two years on the Board of Directors or House
Committee and will pay the remainder (buy out) of the dues they would have owed.
Lifetime members shall also include any member in good standing with ten (10)
consecutive years of current membership who is not less than 65 years of age. Life-time
members shall be exempt from any working hours required under Section 4 for
Qualification of Membership. (Amended 1996, 1998, 2015, 2024).
Section 3. Charter Members
Charter members shall be all those who were members during the year 1951.
Section 4. Qualifications for Membership
Any person having attained his 18 th birthday and of good moral character is eligible for
membership in Valley Springs Sportsman’s Club. All applicants must be sponsored by a
minimum of two members in good standing who shall attest to the good moral character
of the applicant on a form provided for the financial secretary. All new members
admitted after January 1 st of any year shall be required to work five (5) hours in their first
year of membership on function preparation/clean-up as directed by the House
Committee. These hours are to be recorded by the financial secretary and are not subject
to any buy-out. Any new member not completing these required hours shall be dropped
from membership.
In addition, all new and current members shall work ten (10) hours per year on club
assignments as determined by the Board of Directors. All members must complete five
(5) work hours of the ten (10) required on club assignments. The Board of Directors may
allow the option to buy the remaining five (5) hours at a cost of twenty-five ($25.00)
dollars per hour. Membership hour slips or payment of hours must be in the possession
of the financial secretary by the drop of the gavel at the start of the scheduled December
monthly meeting. Any member dropped from the membership for failure to complete the
hourly work requirements or the option to buy their hours provided in this By-Law may
not re-apply for membership for a period of five (5) years. The annual meeting shall be
the start of the new year for recording work hours. The Board of Directors, at its
discretion, may grant exceptions to the provision of working hours of this By-Law. All
members of the Board of Directors are exempt from the 10 hour work requirement. Each
should be able to demonstrate to the entire Board of Directors at its November meeting
that they have done a reasonable job in their position. (Amended 1972, 1973, 1978,
1987, 1988, 1997, 1998, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2015, 2016, 2022, 2023).
Section 5. Members serving in the Armed Service
Any member entering military service is exempt from the payment of dues for the period
of his first enlistment in active service, not to exceed 4 years, except when called to
active service for a state of emergency.
Section 6. Initiation Fee
At the filing of an application for membership, a non-refundable application fee must
accompany the completed application form. The amount of this fee shall be fifty ($50.00)
dollars. This application fee shall be paid by check or money order made payable to the
Valley Springs Sportsman’s Club and marked “for deposit only”. (Amended 1994, 1996)
Section 7. Membership Dues
Membership dues shall be one hundred and fifty dollars per year ($150.00) dollars per
year payable prior to the drop of the gavel at the start of the scheduled February monthly
meeting. If the February monthly meeting is held, dues will no longer be accepted after
adjournment. In the event that no February meeting is held, for whatever reason, dues
must be in the possession of the financial secretary by 9:00 p.m. of the evening of the
scheduled February monthly meeting. Anyone who does not meet these deadlines shall
be automatically dropped from the membership. Any member dropped from the
membership for failure to pay their annual membership dues provided in this By-Law
may not re-apply for membership for a period of five (5) years. The provisions of this
section shall not apply to lifetime members. Dues shall be paid by check or money order
made payable to the Valley Springs Sportsman’s Club and marked “for deposit only”. A
new member shall pay his dues within 30 days of notification of acceptance or forfeit
initiation fee. New members accepted only between the July monthly meeting and the
Annual December meeting shall be assessed Dues equal to ½ the annual amount. (As
adopted 1969, Amended 1979, 1984, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1993, 1995, 1996, 2001,
2005, 2008, 2023)
Section 8. Special Assessment Prohibited
No special assessments shall be levied on any member, nor shall any member be required
to donate to any cause whatsoever. The provision of the section shall not apply to fees in
exchange for hours required in the year. (Amended 1998)
Section 9. Sponsorship Committee
The President, at the request of the membership Chairman, will appoint a three-man
committee to seek information from the sponsor or sponsors about their applicant. It is
the responsibility of this committee to notify all applicants of the rules of the club,
provide them with a copy of the By-laws and stress the hourly obligations each member
must complete. This appointed committee will not have the authority to make
recommendation to the membership committee. (Amended 1977, 1987)
Section 1. Monthly Meetings
Monthly meetings shall be held on the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m.
(Amended 1979, 1985, 2022).
Section 2. Annual Meeting
The annual meeting shall be held during the month of December of each year. Officers
for the forthcoming year shall be elected at this meeting. Any candidate for office that is
nominated from the floor during the election must be present to accept said nomination.
(Amended 2022).
Section 3. Special Meetings
Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the president or by five or more
members of the Board of Directors.
Section 4. Notice of Meetings
Notice for the annual meeting and any special meeting will be sent to each member’s
email on file with the Financial Secretary and also posted on social media at least five
days prior to said meeting. Notice of each monthly meeting shall be posted in the
clubhouse at least fourteen days prior to the day of the said meeting. (Amended 2022).
Section 5. Quorum
Fifteen members in attendance at any monthly meeting, special meeting or the annual
meeting shall constitute a quorum.
Section 6. Guest
Guest may attend any meeting of the membership at the invitation of members in good
standing or as official guests of the organization.
Section 7. Expiration of Regulations Passed at any Meeting
All regulations should be reviewed each January. Only those regulations deemed
temporary or unnecessary shall be expunged. (Amended 1987)
Section 8. Parliamentary Procedure
The rules contained in “Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised” shall govern the
organization in all cases to which they are applicable and in all cases which are not
inconsistent with any By-law. (Amended 1984)
Section 9. Order of Business
A. Call to order
B. The Pledge of Allegiance
C. Moment of Silence for all Deceased Members
D. Reading of the Minutes of Previous Meeting
E. Reports of Officers
F. Committee Reports
G. Correspondence and Announcements
H. Unfinished Business
I. New Business
J. Elections
K. Adjournment
Any provision of this section may be suspended by a two-thirds vote of the
membership present. (Amended 2021).
Section 10. Politics Prohibited
The advancement of any political candidate, political party or political agenda is
prohibited at any regular meeting of the Valley Springs Sportsman’s Club. (Adopted
Section 1. Conveyance of Certain Club Properties is prohibited
All land, bodies of water and permanent buildings owner by the Valley Springs
Sportsman’s Club shall remain forever property of the club.
Section 1a. All money raised on Club property belongs to the club
All money raised in the Club’s’ name by Members or Committees belongs to the Club
and must be turned over to the Treasurer with a full accounting of expenses and revenues
within 14 days. In no case may money raised on Club property or in the Club’s name be
spent without an appropriation first being passed at a membership meeting. This By-law
will not affect the Board of Directors ability to authorize spending for emergencies nor
the operating budget of the Club. (As adopted 1995 and amended 2003.)
Section 2. Right of Way over Club Property is prohibited
The organization shall not grant any right of way or any other easement from in, upon or
over any land owned by the Valley Springs Sportsman’s Club. This By-law shall not
apply to a right to pass and re-pass as part of a parcel leased by Valley Springs
Sportsman’s Club as approved by a vote of the membership at two consecutive meetings.
(Amended 2010)
Section 3. Donations of Club Funds Prohibited
Donations of club funds to any charity or solicitation for any cause is prohibited. Nothing
in this section shall prohibit the House Committee from granting permission to any local
organization to place collection containers in the club house for any worthy cause or
exclude our own committees and various club funds from receiving approved financial
aid. (As amended 1978, 1987)
Section 3a. Rocco’s Fund
The President, upon his election, will appoint a three-member committee to administer
Rocco’s Fund. The purpose of the Rocco’s Fund committee shall be to see that cards are
sent when a member is ill, and in the case of extended sickness of more than two weeks,
an appropriate gift will be sent. The committee will also see to the proper remembrance
for a deceased member and member’s spouse. The committee will also accept other
duties of this nature as approved by the President or the Board of Directors. The activities
of Rocco’s Fund shall be financed by donations and will begin on January 1, 1979.
(Adopted 1978)
Section 4. Certain Appropriations in Excess of Two Thousand Dollars.
Any motion or resolution made at a meeting to appropriate or spend less than $2,000.00
shall be voted on at that meeting. If the vote is unanimous, the action is considered
passed and no other voted is needed. If anyone objects to the expenditure, a second
meeting will be needed to pass the expenditure by a simple majority. In addition, any
motion or resolution made at any meeting to appropriate or spend equal to or in excess of
$2500 shall be voted on by paper ballot. Nothing in this section shall apply to
appropriations and expenditures, authorizing the payment of routine or necessary
expenses of the organization, or any appropriation, which in the opinion of the Board of
Directors, is considered to be of an emergency nature. Also, appropriations made by the
Chairman of the Fish and Game Committee, for the stocking of fish or birds, for the
membership and or club sanctioned events, need only go through one meeting. This
includes the normal expenses for care and feeding of such livestock. (Amended 1987,
1994, 1995, 2002, 2003, 2006, 2014)
Section 5. Procedure for Disposing of Certain Club Properties
Any motion or resolution made at any meeting to sell, give away or otherwise
permanently convey any club personal property, not prohibited by any By-law, which is
valued at more than ten dollars shall not be voted on until the next monthly meeting.
(Amended 1987)
Section 6. Use of Club Facilities by the General Public is Prohibited
(Deleted 2003).
Section 7. Members Not to be Compensated for Personal Services
No officer and no member shall receive a salary or otherwise be compensated for any
personal services rendered in behalf of the organization. The provisions of this section
shall not apply to the Treasurer, the permittee or bartenders as determined by the House
Committee or the awarding of hours for services rendered. (Amended 1987, 1991)
Section 8. Fish and Game Committee Must Present a Budget
The Chairman or an appointed representative of the Fish and Game Committee must
present a budget to the Board of Directors, at one of their meetings, before the end of
March each year. This budget will include all of the expenses needed to ensure that the
Club property is adequately stocked with fish and game during the coming year. The
Board of Directors, when presented with this budget, may make changes or veto it
entirely by a 2/3-majority vote, otherwise it will be considered passed as presented. This
budget, if passed, will immediately become part of the normal operating expenses of the
Club and the expenses associated with it will be paid by the Treasurer in the same manner
as the electric light bill, insurance premium and other operating expenses.
This By-law in no way restricts the rights of the members to appropriate money for any
purpose it deems necessary, nor does it prevent the members from voting down any
expense or appropriation at any membership meeting. The purpose of the By-law is to
preserve the intent of the founding members—that VSSC will always be a place where
our kids can learn to hunt and fish and respect the out of doors. (As adopted 1995)
Section 9. Smoking/Vaping
No Smoking or Vaping shall be permitted in the Club House. (As adopted 2023)
Section 1. Spouse of Club Member Not Considered a Guest
The spouse of any member in good standing shall not be considered a guest for purpose
of the general statutes of the State of Connecticut and regulations of the State Liquor
Control Commission. (Amended 2004, 2016).
Section 2. Use of Club Facilities by Members and Guest
With permission of the House Committee, any individual with a signed contract may use
the clubhouse and/or grounds for a private function, which may include the family and
other invited guests. This by-law is adopted in accordance with Section 30-23 of the
General Statutes of the State of Connecticut, Revisions of 1958. (Amended 2021).
Section 3. Inspection of Club Records
Any member may, with reasonable notice, inspect any papers, ledgers, records,
documents and any other club property. (Amended 1987)
Section 4. Membership Privileges
All members in good standing shall have the rights and privileges that are usually vested
in the membership of any similar private organization.
Section 1. Hunting in Certain Areas is Prohibited
Hunting, as defined by state law, is prohibited within three hundred feet of the pheasant
pen, five hundred feet of the clubhouse and one hundred feet from any road used by
vehicles to enter or leave the club grounds.
Section 2. Restrictions on Setting of Traps
No trap of any kind shall be set outside of any building, on club property, without the
written approval of two-thirds of all the Board of Directors. Such approval to be given
only after an investigation and the need for such trap has been clearly established by
tangible evidence. Once approval is granted by the board of Directors, the approved
setting of traps will be conducted following the current State of Connecticut trapping
laws and regulations. All trapping must be performed by a State of Connecticut certified
trapper with a current, valid trapping license. Any member who feels that it is in the best
interest of the organization to set such a trap shall submit his request in writing, giving
the reason and showing the evidence why such a trap should be set. All traps utilized
must meet the laws and regulations of the current State of Connecticut trapping
guidelines, which must include traps being checked every 24 hours. These restrictions
shall not apply to the removal of rodents found to be adversely affecting club property.
For this purpose, rodents include, but not limited to, mice, rats, weasels, river otters,
moles, muskrats, beaver, gopher, chipmunks and squirrels. (Amended 2019).
Section 3. Outside Activities Open to the Public
No outside activities that are open to the public may be held on the club grounds beyond
the horse shoe barn on Saturdays during the Fall Firearms hunting season. Under no
circumstances shall any non-shooting event be help on the pistol, rifle, or trap range
without first obtaining a 2/3-majoprity vote of the membership to close the range on that
particular day. (Adopted 1995)
Section 1. By-laws Shall Govern the Organization
The By-laws shall govern the conduct, actions and procedures of the organization in all
cases (Amended 1987).
Section 2. Proposed Amendments to the By-laws
Amendments to the By-laws shall be submitted to the secretary in writing before or at the
November monthly meeting. The secretary shall read the proposed amendments to the
membership. All proposed amendments shall be turned over to the By-laws Committee,
which shall study the same and report it’s finding thereon to the annual meeting.
Section 3. By-laws May Be Amended Only at the Annual Meeting
The By-laws of the organization may be amended only by a two-thirds vote of the
members present, at the annual meeting, provided the procedures as contained in Article
XI, Section 2, of the By-laws have been complied with.
Section 4. Posting VSSC By-Laws
Not later than February each year, the then current and final VSSC By-Laws will be updated and posted on the VSSC website. Access to the current VSSC By-Laws will be open to all members and the public; the document will be downloadable, and posted in portable document format (.pdf), locked to prevent modification, adulteration or other tampering. (Adopted 2017)
Section 5. Advertising
All functions & events for Valley Springs Sportsman Club shall have Valley Springs name first in all advertising materials. (Adopted 2024)
The By-laws contained herein, as amended, were adopted at the annual meeting held on December 12, 2024;
Ryan M. Lajoie, Chairman, Legal & By-laws Committee
Dean Demers, President
Kathy Demers, Recording Secretary